After You’ve Detoxed

You Did It!

Having completed the detox program, you should be feeling healthy and more energetic. The idea now is to keep the momentum going and use how good you feel to motivate you to bring some of the detox recipes, exercises, and practices into your everyday life. What worked well for you? Meditation? Quinoa? Oil pulling? No dairy? A Creative Outlet? What can you add to your life to benefit on a permanent basis your mind, body, and soul. What is the best way for you to get exercise and include time for relaxation? Jot down some notes for yourself and include some new habits.

Reintroduce foods slowly back into your diet, eat slowly, in season, and local.

Pay attention to how your body and mind react when you eat or drink certain things. Keep your pantry stocked with ingredients to help you prepare healthy meals. Keep quinoa, lentils and beans, and even some frozen veggies on hand for when you can’t make it to the market so you don’t have to fall back on less healthy alternatives. Focus on continually eating lots of green vegetables and consider joining a farm-share.

Feed and surround yourself with things that nourish and inspire you. Choose people, blogs, media, books, YouTube videos, and other things that are positive, lift you up, and help you grow. Don’t let yourself get stuck in life, always get up and try new things, keep growing, keep learning, be open to change and every once in a while, give your whole body a little rejuvenation…take care of yourself, honor yourself, buy things you love, make an appointment for a massage, and detox seasonally.

All my best to you! Thanks so much for joining me on this journey!

Look at things from different perspectives, you never know where opportunities lie.
